Tournament Chess Set:
We use Rexine chess boards for Tournament standard. The Chess boards can be used for Schools, College, Chess Club and Tournament purposes.
Sizes: 18” ×18”
Price of the Board – Rs.250 Price of Chess Set – Rs.650
Chess Software:
We offer chess online software’s at very minimal cost.
Training platform which helps students learn the basis of the chess to GM level. Focus is on “Fun Based Learning” by way of animated characters. Ideal for children from 4 years on-wards.
Price Starts from – Rs.4000
Chess Clock:
The digital timer can be used for tournament purpose. The official chess clock of the World Chess Federation FIDE.
Price per piece – Rs. 4,000
Chess Bag:
The Chess bag can hold the chess board, coins and the score-sheet.
Price per piece – Rs.250
Chess Book:
Mate in One / Mate to Two
Chess Puzzles train your chess-brain to spot Checkmate opportunities.
Price of the Book – Rs.750
Chess Score Sheet:
Chess scorebooks and pads help chess players record their chess moves for review. This way you can replay your game later and learn from your mistakes.
Price of the Book – Rs.50
Chess Book / Rules and Regulations by Rapid Chess Academy:
Price of the Book – Rs.250